Household Moving – Move Cleanup
Moving means emptying all of the closets, nooks and storage areas in your home – and finding all of the things you’ve stashed in the previous years. The last thing you need to be worrying about during your move is the leftover items you have decided not to bring to your new residence. PCS Moving can do more than just relocate your belongings; we can help you deal with the leftover clutter after your move, too.
Get a Fresh Start
You have plenty to do to get settled into your new home. Using residential cleanup and removal services to fully empty your old home allows you to focus on your future and get a fresh start. Once the movers are done, you’ll still need to do something with the items you’ve decided not to bring along.
Prepare for Disposition of the Home
If you have sold your home or have tenants moving in, it needs to be truly clean and empty. Using a professional service ensures that the home is truly ready and that your sales or rental process goes as smoothly as possible.
Go Green – Donate Unloved or Unused Items
You may be done with those items you stashed in your closet and forgot about, but there are plenty of organizations that can put your unloved items to good use. Donating is fast and easy when you use a professional post-move cleanup service. You simply indicate the items you no longer need, and we’ll whisk them away. Recycling items from your move allows you to reduce your carbon footprint and know that your pieces have gone to a good home.
Whether you want to make sure your home is ready for its new owners, are ready to focus on your new home or simply want to make sure your unwanted pieces go to people who can use them, we can help.
Contact PCS Moving at 1-971-431-9244 to learn more about disposing of those items that didn’t make it onto the moving trucks with post-move cleanup services and to find out what we can do for you.